Currently... the sequel

  I wish I found myself with more time to write. But I don't, and I don't for see that changing a whole lot so I will do my best with the limited time I have. In the meantime you'll probably see a lot of filler posts like this. If ya don't like it... don't read it!

Playing- Cards Against Humanity. One of the best things about this game is hearing friends read the cards that wouldn't normally say anything like what they are reading.
Going- On hikes. Seeing parts of these mountains I have never seen before. I love it!
Wearing- at the moment, pajamas. But mostly jeans, work shirts and flannels. That seems to be the accepted uniform up here.
Sipping- coffee. Not really sipping, lets be honest... but consuming in mass quantities.
Reading- Just finished Girl on the Train. Didn't really like it. Moving on to The Martian and The Memory Book. Always open to new book suggestions. hint... hint...

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