Where has time gone? Holy cow. Blink and you die its been 9 days since you've posted. Hmmm... what have I been up to? Boise Music Week and their production of Gypsy, that was a fun one. I programmed lights and called spots and projection. When I have a better internet connection I will post some photos.
We also had another death in the family, so I have been trying to wrap my head around that and dealing with making, and then breaking various plans to attend the funeral. Its been a rough few days in that regard. I will write more on that later.
As soon as music week was over I packed up and moved to Stanley again for the summer. Its been a very busy few days packing, moving, unpacking, trying to get various parts of Smiley Creek ready to open next week. I might be a little tired. Just a smidge...
Apparently this post is jumping ALL over the place because now I want to mention seeing some friends while they were in town, right before I left. Andrew started at the theater when he was a wee little freshman. A degree and a few years later we have been fortunate to have kept in touch. Let me tell you what, he has grown up, and it is truly awesome to see. I've said this before but one of my favorite parts of this job is watching the handful of students we employ through their entire college career. We get to watch them go from fresh out of high school kids to adults finding their way in the world. They quite literally become different people before our very eyes. Its pretty amazing to now see them finding success in their jobs and personal lives. Okay, gushing over. Here are a few pictures of our former student Andrew and his lovely wife Katie with Jerrad, Matt and I.
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