Haha!! I made it this week! Not that anyone really missed it last week, but I still hold myself accountable for it. My monday has gone well so far, pretty busy but there are far worse things than setting up shop in my favorite little corner of the world.
1. The move up to the mountains and the days following have went well. Weather is cold and a bit rainy, but it is nice to be in my home away from home. There is a sense of peace here that I haven't been able to find elsewhere.
2. Speaking of my home away from home... The lodges my cousins used to own and that I spent my summers at, are now employee housing for my current summer employment. I don't live there, but I was cleaning it for future residents earlier this week. As I was vacuuming I ran across my cousins names still written on the stairs. A name each step. I had completely forgotten about them and they'd have to have been there for over 30 years. Man, that was a blast from the past. I really need to get back over there and take pictures!
3. I actually managed to finish a book this week! Hurray!!! I made it through A Secret Kept by Tatiana de Rosnay. Not at all how I expected it to end. Interesting but a bit anticlimactic. I'm right in the middle of Girl on a Train right now. Its good, but I really don't care for the main characters. They make me angry. I still want to know what happens at the end, so I will push on.
4. Matt came up to visit for a few days and we sat and watched Paddington with Rick. Adorable movie but the best part was Peter Capaldi, who plays Mr. Curry, who is also the current Doctor on Doctor Who. I am a big fat nerd. I also don't care. Watch it! It is a SUPER cute, feel good movie.
5. Being up in here in the Sawtooths is a lot of fun. Even bad days are never 100% bad days. You have mountains and rivers, deer, antelope and elk, bald eagles, gorgeous sunrises and sunsets and the stars. The stars are the absolute best. Nothing compares. I also get to share this experience with some of my best friends. I am so used to being alone when I am not at work that being around friends is a bit of an adjustment. Clearly an adjustment I need, anyway. I'm excited for what the next few months have in store for me. Now if only trails would clear up so I can go get lost whenever I need!!
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