Ssshhhhhh.... Who am I kidding, it isn't a secret. I am a huge Sex and the City fan. Team Big. Go ahead judge me... see if I care.
Why am I choosing to bring SatC onto this blog right now? Because those girls were smart. They lived through hurt and heartbreak and love and families. Several of their words struck chords with me then, that I still occasionally pop into my head when I need them.
Over the last few weeks I have thought a lot about happiness.It seems like the unattainable American dream to be happy. Which, I suppose is fine. However, it is an unhealthy goal so strive for constant happiness. In my humble opinion constant happiness would be selfish. There is too much death and destruction happening on this planet of ours, and that doesn't include the occurences that happen within arms reach of us every day. I think you lack a certain depth of feeling if you find yourself in a constant state of euphoria.
Here is where my favorite quote comes into play. At one point a character says "I'm not happy all day every day, but I am happy every day." I haven't ever forgotten those words!! Whywas I working so hard to achieve something impossible. And I know that I am not the only one. People shamelessly sugar coat their lives in an attempt to mask any unhappiness. Its sad really. The things we experience pain over shape us. We need to live it and learn from it. Inevitably it changes us, and every single human lives through it at several points in their life so why try so hard to hide it? I think the act of hiding it is far more destructive, creating false standards for someone else to try and live up too. So and so never has a bad day, so what's wrong with me? Stop it!!
Bad days are okay. We ALL have them. Honestly, some people have bad years *raises both hands in the air, like I just don't care* What I am working on, is finding a bit of happiness in every one of those days. Yes, I wasn't in a very good place yesterday, but I met and helped some really incredible people who had fallen shamelessly in love with my mountains. That makes me smile. BAM!! I was happy yesterday. Not all day yesterday, but damnit I was happy yesterday. Happiness wins if you let it even if its only a small sliver of your timeline that day. For that sliver of time you let go of whatever was burdening you. Let it go... Let it go!! (it's stuck in your head now, am I right?)
Today I am happy. It doesn't matter if the rest of the day goes to hell in a handbasket (it won't, there are epic hugs to be had in less than 12 hours)... Right this minute I am sitting outside, listening to music and wearing a Dalek shirt watching the sun ever so slowly creep its way over the White Clouds onto the Sawtooths and I am happy.
Great philosophy. I've tried to that that all my life. Some days I don't make it, but usually I do. And have I told you that you inspire me? Love you ~~~